Balance Resolutions to Avoid Burnout
“Burnout is classified as a state of extreme mental and physical fatigued caused by prolonged or chronic job stress..” - Dr. Amelia Reigstad, PhD
We all know the new year is a time for setting intentions and making resolutions and this is usually after a busy holiday season. For the most part, our resolutions tend to be personal and focus on something we should start or stop doing such as exercising more or reducing time spent on social media. These are all good, however, what if we think about resolutions that impact our ability to have more balance in a hectic, overworked world so that we can avoid burnout? To combat burnout, we must get real about it. So, whether you work on the jobsite, in the office, drive a truck or work on the manufacturing floor, burnout exists in all industries – especially male-dominated ones’ and it’s important to understand what exactly burnout is.
Burnout is classified as a state of extreme mental and physical fatigued caused by prolonged or chronic job stress. That’s right…job stress! It’s classified by three main elements: exhaustion, cynicism, or feelings of reduced professional effectiveness. It can create forgetfulness, irritability, lack of energy, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and more. And here’s the kicker. We are all players in this game of burnout; however, it doesn’t necessarily start with us. I love this quote from Dr. Christine Sinsky, MD: “While burnout manifests in individuals, it originates in systems.” That’s right, burnout is caused by systems, industries we work in and unfortunately, organizations and their leadership teams in which we dedicate our time to as employees. If we don’t have support from our organizations, it makes it extremely challenging to avoid burnout and many of us find ourselves on an out-of-control, slippery slope.
Some of you may be struggling with the idea of burnout. Maybe you don’t believe work/life balance exists and is only a myth. I’m here to convince you that work/life balance, integration, harmony, whatever you’d like to call it, certainly can exist but, we need to be active in re-writing the story and making it applicable to us. Before I share my thoughts on establishing balance to avoid burnout, I want to share with you some real facts from my PhD study that highlights how the women I interviewed feel about burnout.
· Women who have children struggle daily with trying to fill the role of a mother and career professional.
· Achieving work/life balance is desired but an almost impossible task.
· Guilt is either felt at home or at work.
· Women feel penalized for having children and it can directly impact or stunt career growth.
· The expectation that “women can do it all” is common and women struggle with lack of support.
· There are personal, societal, and professional expectations and pressure put on females in all work environments.
Create your work/life balance
What do you think? Can you relate? If so, how can we start off 2024 on the right foot by creating more balance and integration within our work and home lives? Here are a few strategies you can apply to your day-to-day to make sure you are establishing balance to avoid burnout.
· Create your Work/Life Balance Matrix.
It’s one thing to recognize we are being impacted by burnout and it’s a whole other thing to do something about it. Reflecting on your day-to-day responsibilities is a critical step to using our voices to initiate change and stop burnout in its track. Using my Work/Life Balance Matrix template, make a list and start categorizing. Think about your relationships, your work, finances, health, family, community, personal growth, creativity, and fun. Once you’ve filled in the matrix, answer the following questions:
Where are you out of balance? What is your perfect 10 vision for work/life balance? What are your top priorities for change? What is your 2024 goal to make this happen?
· Accept there is no perfect work/life balance.
Achieving balance looks differently to everyone so it’s important to understand that there really is no perfect work/life balance. Attainable – YES! Perfect – NO! Make sure you are playing to your strengths as a woman and are not being all things to all people.
· Prioritize your time.
As much as it can be difficult as women to prioritize ourselves, do it! Prioritize and schedule personal time, manage and stick to work hours and detach from work as much as possible when you aren’t there.
· Set boundaries, delegate, and learn to say no.
When we set boundaries, delegate, and learn to say no, it gives us the ability to make decisions and gives you the power to make choices for yourself. This means you are capable enough to stay firm with your selections and preferences and when we delegate and say no, it means we are making our lives less complicated and tension free. I always say, my toilets could care less who cleans them, so I delegate that job to my kids and do something for myself instead. 😊
As you kick off 2024, use these strategies to leverage your superwoman strength, find your voice, and invest in yourself to establish more balance and avoid burnout.
Dr. Amelia Reigstad, PhD is a speaker, facilitator and author with a passion and love for empowering women, establishing balance, and helping to further develop communication skills. With over two decades of industry experience, she enjoys sharing her expertise across a variety of industries and has designed training programs, spoken at conferences and events, facilitated workshops, and led team members to success. As a Twin Cities Business Magazine Notable Women Entrepreneur 2022 and founder of The Women Empowerment Series, she inspires and encourages women to use their voice to initiate change through authentic communication. To learn more, visit